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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: September 2023

1. Introduction

Welcome to, owned and operated by Mythic LLC. At Mythic LLC, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices concerning the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information when you visit our website or engage with our services. By using, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

2. Information We Collect

We may collect the following types of personal information when you use our website or interact with our services:

  • Contact Information: This may include your name, email address, phone number, and shipping address.
  • Payment Information: When you make a purchase, we collect payment information, such as credit card details or other financial information. Please note that we do not store full credit card numbers after the transaction is complete.
  • User Account Information: If you create an account on our website, we collect information related to your account, such as your username and password.
  • Communication Data: We may store records of your interactions with us, including emails, chat logs, and customer support inquiries.
  • Usage Data: We collect data about how you use our website, including your browsing history, IP address, and device information.

3. How We Use Your Information

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • To process and fulfill orders and shipments.
  • To provide customer support and respond to your inquiries.
  • To send you transactional emails, such as order confirmations and shipping updates.
  • To personalize your experience on our website.
  • To improve our products and services.
  • To comply with legal obligations and protect our rights.

4. Sharing Your Information

We may share your personal information with:

  • Service Providers: We may share your information with trusted third-party service providers who assist us in providing our services, including payment processing, shipping, and customer support.
  • Legal Authorities: We may disclose your information if required to do so by law or in response to legal requests.

5. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to enhance your browsing experience on our website. You can control cookies through your browser settings.

6. Your Rights

You have the following rights regarding your personal information:

  • Access: You can request access to the personal information we hold about you.
  • Correction: You can request corrections to inaccurate or incomplete information.
  • Deletion: You can request the deletion of your personal information.
  • Opt-out: You can opt-out of marketing communications at any time.

7. Security

We take appropriate measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access and misuse.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us at:

Mythic LLC 1452 N 1300 W Orem, Utah

Email: [email protected]

9. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Please review the policy periodically for changes.

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